Ecclesiastical Records

Camagüey Province

About Camagüey Churches

As of March 2023, we have 6 churches represented.
PLEASE NOTE: The files represented are NOT the complete holdings of these churches, only what we have been able to acquire.
We are very grateful to our members for their generosity and willingness to share their valuable documents with us!
IMPORTANT: Please contact, and credit, the CGC prior to using any part of this page by sending an email to

About Camagüey Province

Camagüey is a city and municipality in central Cuba. It is the capital of the Camagüey Province.
It was founded as Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe in 1514, by Spanish colonists on the northern coast and moved inland in 1528, to the site of a Taino village named Camagüey. It was one of the seven original settlements (villas) founded in Cuba by the Spanish.

Cuban Church Records and Archives

A presentation on Cuban Church Records and Archives given by Fr. Juan Luis Sanchez on July 14, 2008 is offered here for dissemination with his permission.

A recording of this presentation is available for members on the Members Only-Videos Page

Nuestra Señora de la Soledad Church in Camagüey, Cuba

The Nuestra Señora de la Soledad Church is located at a corner in the crossing between the República and Ignacio Agramonte streets of Camagüey, almost opposite the Plaza de la Soledad Square. It was built during the 18th century and today is the building with highest symbolic value in the historic center. The church is located at #254 Calle República, Camagüey, Cuba.

The following documents were donated to the CGC by Alberto Martinez-Ramos from his personal files.


Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje Church in Camagüey, Cuba

In the first decades of the 18th century the presbyter Emeterio de Arrieta erected, at a high point on the outskirts of the town, a hermitage dedicated to the Holy Christ of the Good Voyage (Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje), which in 1794 would become auxiliary to the greater parochial church. In 1840  notable improvements were made to the tower and a side aisle. The church is located in Rosa La Bayamesa in Camagüey.

The following documents were donated to the CGC by Alberto Martinez-Ramos from his personal files.


Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria Church in Morón, Cuba

Located on Martí Street between Goicuría and Parque Agramonte. The church was inaugurated on February 2, 1863, in celebration of Our Lady of La Candelaria, patron saint of the city.

The following documents were donated to the CGC by Hilda Pomares Treto from her personal files. 

San Jose Church in Camagüey, Cuba

Erected in the La Vigía neighborhood at the beginning of the century. It is located on Avenida de los Mártires.

The following document was donated to the CGC by Hilda Pomares Treto from her personal files.