Civil Records


About This Page

Civil records are often difficult to acquire. The Cuban Civil Registry was not in effect until the 1880s but the different provinces established this practice at different rates. For records prior to the 1880s, you need to use Ecclesiastical records.
These indexes were donated to us in the hopes they might be of assistance to others.
Many registries in Cuba are no longer accessible due to their deteriorating conditions. These donated indexes have since become invaluable to Cuban family historians.
We greatly appreciate such generosity!

IMPORTANT: Please contact, and credit, the CGC prior to using any part of this collection by sending an email to

Oriente Province

The following  indexes were donated to the CGC by William Navarrete from his personal collection.

William copied them in 1988, on his last trip to Banes. Currently, those books are already sealed because of their physical state.

William has blog of the genealogy and history of Holguin and Banes called “Genealogia Holguin Cuba”